Tuesday, December 2, 2008

its a reality check

Just when you think you have earned the right to being respected, fate turns in the opposite direction. I mean here you are this passionate, complex, intellectual, selfless human being, categorized in a few words that don’t even begin to touch the surface of who you are and what your moralities consist of. It’s amazing that some of the people, who feel as though they know you best, prove to know nothing more about you than...I suppose it is my fault, for not letting my soul seep out of me. In my unwanted opinion, a soul isn’t something that should just slip out at any given time, It may happen sporadically i suppose, for all the lucky ones out there. I would think it to happen when you’re on top of the world, and your body is nothing more than a simple bubble containing your very existence, the (metaphorical) heart of you.........well; it made perfect sense in my mind. When in the middle of a very passionate conversation, we’re talking a deep, life-changing conversation; I seem to get the “so typical it shouldn’t count” response. In these sorts of conversations, there IS no easy way out. Your heart aches because you just gave your inner-most thoughts and feelings to person next to you to ponder for the rest of their days. You know?

Open your minds people, leave your comfort zone, and get to know someone, really get to know them. I am sick of having acquaintances define me based on their own red herrings. Let’s see some fresh faces and personalities, mm? Now, for one of those FAQ’s in life: If you could only choose one which would it be? Beauty or Brains? I know exactly what I would choose, and have known for as long as I can remember. You can tell so much more about a person than imaginable when getting an answer to this question. Love is blind. At least it should be. We’re all flawed in some way or another.

I figure that I appear to be emotionally drained and ignorant most of the time, because that’s all I have ever known. I notice that whenever there is a problem, I am the one that needs to do the changing. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely all for constant and never-ending improvement. Attempting to respect wishes of those dear to me by bettering our relationships, I am the one that ends up doing all of the changing. Now, I’m no psychologist, but I am pretty sure that in a relationship, it’s somewhat of a two person effort. Anyhow, when I take matters into my own hands, I won’t control what the outcome will be, unless the other person takes initiative too. I know, I know, everyone knows that. But if it is such an obvious concept, than why do so many people have problems? Something to think about. I’m a person, and you’re a person, so naturally we have emotions. I like to have me a nice, cleansing cry, as much as the next person. I encourage anyone who is reading this to go and make a blog, that is if you haven’t already. It’s really nice, being able to vent without talking on the phone, or writing a text message that was so long, there were too many characters and it was sent back to you. Sometimes, it’s especially refreshing to confide in complete strangers too, just saying…

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I wish that every person in the world meets someone they can give their heart to... and that the person they give it to will give theirs to them...and that it be someone to understand exactly who they are, and to be so passionate with each other about everything from candy to music to...(you fill in the blank) that their “can’t eat, can’t sleep… world series kinda stuff” love makes the world go round.


Oh, and world peace.

Love, Mary Jane